Our history
My great-grandmother Paca, was born in 1909. She was a great knitter and crocheter, who transmitted everything she knew to her daughter. My grandmother Antonia was born in 1929. She was also a knitter, crocheter and dressmaker. She taught her three daughters everything she knew, including my mother, Fatima, who continues teaching me everything she knows. I am Laura, I have grown up between knitting needles and sewing machines. At 8 years old I was already making clothes for my dolls, and since then I have knitting needles in my hands. I have decided to turn my greatest passion into my job. This passion is represented in my creations.
Un poco más sobre mi
La tienda Física
Si quieres conocer un poco más sobre mi y sobre mi tienda, pincha en la imagen de la tienda
Patrones y Colaboraciones
Desde que empecé a entrar de lleno en este mundo, he tenido la oportunidad de poder crear mis propios patrones para libros y revistas, así como para marcas reconocidas.
Podrás encontrar patrones míos en:
- 50 Proyectos DIY para emocionarte con el color
- Revista tricotar en casa
- 50 Proyectos DIY para sentirte bien
- 30 Proyectos DIY para tejer historias
También podrás encontrar patrones en la propia WEB y en Ravelry.